Sunday, January 30, 2011

sunday repose

listening to: The Weepies "Be My Thrill"

love love love this album...and they are so awesome live. one of the best little shows i've ever seen/heard. we saw them at The Shedd back in November and it was such a sweet & intimate little show. not only did the weepies totally rock, but if you ever have a chance to see a show at The Shedd, i highly recommend it. there's something about sitting in comfy church pews, listening to really good music that makes for a really good time.

dreaming of: Spring

i just totally adore the etsy shop, The Wheatfield by Katie Daisy (what a great name!). Her art is so fresh and has the sweetest sentiments....totally reminds me of spring and summer.

watching: Portlandia

i'm still not 100% sure that i like this show. i find some of it really funny, but it gets a little "out there" for me. i do wonder what someone would think of it if they had no idea what portland was like?? i'm not sure you'd "get it" unless you've been to portland. ??? i do like this "put a bird on it" skit. my sister and i got quite a crack up at Crafty Wonderland this year when we saw these cards by powerandlight and after seeing this skit, we were saying, "put a bird on it, people will sh*# themselves". funny stuff.

reading: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

i'm still only on chapter 2, but i'm getting there....this is my 3rd try at this book and i think i'm going to do it this time. The other times that I tried, I had too much going on, student teaching, so needless to say, my mind was on other things and I just couldn't focus enough to get into it. My mind is ready now.

Friday, January 14, 2011

treasury making fiend

Hey, everyone! I know it's been awhile....sorry about that!! I pledge to be better about keeping my blog up to date. So......ever since I joined the Etsy Treasury League, I have been addicted to making new treasuries! It's so much fun!!! The inspiration is endless on etsy, that's for SURE!! So, here's my was inspired by jamgeek's pear & ginger jam. Doesn't that sound amazing? Love the simplicity of the packaging and all of the flavors sound awesome....makes my mouth water just thinking of the toast and jam that could be had! :) Toast and jam...what is better together than that?

Better Together